Application for Sous Chef

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Please remove personal details such as date of birth or NI number before uploading your CV.
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Please answer all the following question(s).
1.Have you been convicted of a criminal offence which is not yet spent within the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974?

2.Are you eligible to work in the UK?

3.Salary Expectations? (please specify a figure)

4.Have you been referred by a current member of our team?


Please answer all the following question(s).
1.Which age band are you in? (Please select one option only)

2.Which gender do you identify with?

3.How would you describe your ethnic origin (or ‘What is your ethnic origin’?)

4.What is your religion or belief?


Please answer all the following question(s).
1.Do you consider yourself to be disabled ? (The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial or long term affect on their ability to do normal daily activities)

5. THANK YOUStep 5/5