Our Vacancies
Futureproofing our Industry

We’re big believers in growth, and as RBH continues to grow, it’s important that you do to.

As hospitality professionals we know just how rewarding a career in hospitality can be, so its our mission futureproof the industry by retaining and developing the next generation of leaders. How do we do this? Through apprenticeships, helping fund specialist courses and by running our inhouse development programme, Pyramid.

Believe us, once you start a career in hospitality, you wont look back.

Pyramid Programme

As a business that is committed to talent retention and developing our teams, RBH has created its own internal development programme: Pyramid.

Open to our internal Heads of Departments, the objective of the RBH Pyramid Programme is to develop a group of talented and high performing hotel-based team members to drive business performance and operational excellence. It provides them with a career path and enables us to build the next generation of deputy level managers.

Meet Past & Present Candidates
Fun Fact
57% of past delegates have been promoted to deputy level roles and 24% have had the confidence to move into bigger roles. Two of the 57% are now General Managers.
Bloom Programme