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Diversity Creates a Workforce Bursting with Skills, Talents, and Personality.

Our success is driven by our people, so we believe our best ideas come from embracing a diverse workforce and engaging with each other.

From our Tree of Life to our Diversity & Inclusion Committee, we’re focused on building a positive place that works for everyone and are committed to driving diversity, equality, and inclusion across all areas of the business.


Ensuring there is greater awareness and understanding of the 9 protected characteristics (age, disability, gender, marriage & civilpartnerships, pregnancy & maternity, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation) within the company has been key to our success.

That’s why we have created our Health & Wellbeing and Diversity Committee who help promote key awareness days throughout the year.

By making each topic an area of focus each month, we have made RBH more inclusive than ever.

Meet the People That Make It Happen. Our
Diversity & Inclusivity Committee